Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Immigration Reform? White House Style!

Remember the 37,457 Criminal Aliens ordered released by the White House Last Year? 

Where are they now?

Living in your city? Living in your neighborhood? Living next door?
Just to refresh you memory, here are the lists of their criminal violations:
  • 2,827 convicted sex offenders
  • 193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)
  • 303 kidnapping convictions
  • 1,075 aggravated assault convictions
  • 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions
  • 9,187 dangerous drug convictions
  • 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions
  • 303 flight escape convictions

We have asked the White House and Homeland Security to provide us with the addresses to which these Criminal aliens were released. (Regulations require that before such persons can be released that they furnish a specific address where they can be contacted.) Our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made to the Government is not expected to be acted on for months or years, if ever.

In the meantime, our sources have provided us with the following data:

-36-           Number of States in the U.S. where these Criminal aliens have indicated they will reside.

-287-         Number of Cities in the U.S. where these Criminal aliens have indicated they will reside.

?? Which States ??

?? Which Cities ??

?? Which streets, which neighborhoods ??

The government has an obligation to tell us, and we have a right to know!!

Ben Ferro

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